We make assumptions the whole day about our environment, interctions, people. About everything.
An assumption is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. Most of the time it’s based on previous experiences where a certain outcome has happened it a particular way.
We assume that the same result will happen forever.
What happens to Assumptions as the World Changes:
As the world is changing rapidly we find a lot of assumptions get challenged. Our new experiences conflict with our assumptions.
Ask Questions always:
What is the Assumption About-of
Why is it this way.
Is it the old way.
What if i do the opposite.
What if I 'SCAMPER'
We have to watch out to make too many assumptions.
Breaking assumptions to create new ideas:
The method works as follows:
Think of a product-need.
List all assumptions (list all the elements down that you expect from a product/service/process).
List all - Assumptions of
Components or features,
Interaction & experiences.
Of Value
Challenge Assumptions of - all components, features, uses, Interaction & experiences.
Component / Feature- Why it is needed. What for. Can i do opposite. Apply Scamper, Apply False-fase
The Use - Why it is needed. What for. Can i do the opposite. Apply Scamper, Apply False-fase
Apperance - Why this apperance, why is this needed. What for. Can i do the Opposite. Apply Scamper, Apply False-fase
Materials - Why is this materia needed. What for. Can use other materials, i do the opposite. Apply Scamper, Apply False-fase
Interaction & Experience - What interactions n experiece we desire. What for. Can i do the opposite. Apply Scamper, Apply False-fase.
What is the main Value it brings.
What more Values it can bring
Ask What if's - Alternate Scenerios.
Making Assumptions Extreme -
Challenge where you state that that assumption is not true (or make it extreme to the negative side)
Generate 50+ ideas based on the above.
Example - The floating chair
If you had to develop a new chair, how can you use the ‘assumptions’ method.
1. Assumptions of a chair: Assumption of Apperance
– a chair has 4 legs
– flat surface
– stands on the floor
– surface to sit & back are fixed
2. Break Assumption of Apperance - an assumption or make it the assumption even more extreme:
+ Could we develop a chair with more legs? Can we develop a chair with only 1 leg? Or no legs?
+ Can we create a chair that’s not supported by the floor?
+ Can we make a chair where we can adjust the surface?
+ What will happen if we develop a chair that doesn’t have a flat surface?
3. List new ideas:
+ A chair that can hang on the wall or at the ceiling with a hook
+ A chair with 20 adjustable legs to sit on a very rocky area
+ A chair where we can adjust the height of the sitting surface depending on the age of a child
+ A chair that floats in the air using an electromagnetic field