This exercise helps you see things that are not readily apparent. It teaches you to draw inferences, an essential skill in any field. Like the constraint exercise, it forces your brain to focus on a narrow problem.
This focus forces you to think in unorthodox ways. Let’s look at a simple example.
What is the benefit of solar power? It cuts down on fossil fuel usage What is the benefit of cutting down on fossil fuel usage? We reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere What is the benefit of reducing carbon dioxide emissions? It slows the effect of climate change.
You see where we are going with this, You keep digging and digging. At some point your brain struggles. It’s tempting to give up.
Here’s the key. You cannot stop when you run out of benefits. You need to force yourself to keep going. Think of it like weight lifting. You need to push past the last rep in order for your muscle to strengthen.